
Zoe is a production designer, costume designer, producer, 1AD, and award-winning screenwriter. She graduated with a BA in costume and production design from Brigham Young University in 2019, and an MA in Filmmaking with a producing focus from Kingston University in 2021.

The Things I Miss Producer, 1AD | 2021
The Man in the Tree Production Designer | 2019
Babble Production Designer | 2019

The Man in the Tree

Production Designer | 2019

A young boy struggles to connect with his father after the death of his mother. A horrifying encounter in the forest leads to a better understanding between them.


Costume Designer | 2018

Set in the 19th century Midwest, a young girl deals with the aftermath of a violent misunderstanding between her wagon company and the natives of the area they’re camping in. Her efforts to find her father leads to one of the natives who killed her brother saving her life.

The Things I Miss

Producer, 1AD | 2021

A woman tells the story of an engagement ring to an appraiser, but with each telling, the story changes. Is everything really as it seems?

Follow Me

Screenwriter | 2021

In a post-apocalyptic world, Morgan, an unfriendly loner, finds sisterhood and new hope in innocent Riley as they navigate the violence of other survivors and the environment.

Follow Me is a short script that has been awarded Best Short Script at the Indie House Film Awards, placed 3rd in the Graduate Short Script at the Ivy Film Festival, and was a finalist at the Portland Screenplay Awards.